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Southern Hemisphere Cross Quater Festivals of Nature and how to embody the tides of life.
We take an in depth look at the Great Wheel of Life and explore why the ancient cultures not only ritualised these tides of shifting season and enegies but learned to live in direct harmony with them.
The outcome of which ensured a life of rich value, potency, vitality and Spiritual expansion.
From this Webinar you will Learn:
* The Triple Goddess and how the Matriarchal ways sustained the world and kept the balance.
* What the Wheel of the year Festivals are and the points of expansion available during each season.
* Understand why aligning ourselves with the Natural tides brings us into alignment with a greater mystery.
* Explore how and why these ways were usurped and the result of that in our world today.
* Explore our relationship to these seasons and the link with Earth energies Ley Lines and Vortexes.
The Earth and Nature are extensions of us and are part of a greater weave of energies that we can not only reclaim but also evolve into a deeper experience of our own life and the mysteries that govern the human journey.
The time is coming for a new Mythology with threads tied to the ancient path, yet reaching out to nourish us in these changing and birthing times.
We search for the source of everything, the experience of the never changing core and in finding that ....find our way through chaos from a place of power and dignity.
Once purchased you will receive your workbook immediately, followed by your 2 Hour Video Lesson soon after.
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